In 2019, we set a goal of supporting the organizing more “Introduction to Open Source” workshops in parts of the world with less participation in open source: Latin and South America, Africa, Oceania, and Asia*.
Currently, we have had these workshops taking place in
Vadodara, India
The Introduction to Open Source workshop in Vadodara happened on September 01.
The workshop touched on different open-source licences and a discussion around why major organizations use the GPL license.
Dhruv Pandya who organized the event, felt the workshop would help their meetup grow with newer members.
After the announcement of “Intro to open source” workshop more attendees have become more involved with us
Lahore, Pakistan
The Introduction to Open Source workshop in Lahore happened on September 14.
Abdullah Ramzan who organized the event was excited about discussions around various open source projects, and a session around GitHub.

Thimphu, Bhutan
Ugyen Dorji organized the Introduction to Open Source Workshop in Thimphu, Bhutan on October 5.
Along with a session which introduced people to different types of open source software and their licenses, they combined it with a second session around building sites on WordPress using the new block editor.

Luanda, Angola
Marcio Zebedeu organized the Workshop Introdução ao Open Source on October 25. It was a small meetup hence they mainly decided to have a discussion around the GPL licence and how open source software would help their local community.
Marcio feels the workshop has helped recruit more local organizers for meetups around translating WordPress to Portuguese (Angola).
More workshops in the pipeline
There are a couple of workshops being still being planned that will happen in 2019. They are not announced as yet.
In the next couple of months we will open applications for Open Source Workshops for 2020.
*According to a recent study, the majority of Github participation in OSS projects is centered in North America and Western and Northern Europe.