Our First Donation

Exciting news: the first official donation to the WordPress Foundation has arrived! WordCamp NYC found themselves with a budget surplus after the November 2009 event, and decided that the best way to put the money back into the community would be a donation to the new Foundation. Their donation of $28,069.25 kicks things off with a bang.

No, it’s not a typo. $28,069.25.

Specific programs have not been identified/set up yet, but it is the hope of the WordCamp NYC organizers that the majority of the funds can be earmarked toward initiatives to extend the reach of WordCamps. There are a few different forms this could take, so we’ll be looking at possibilities over the next few weeks to find the best use of the money. One idea is to fund streaming and recording video of WordCamp sessions so that people can reap the educational benefits of attending a WordCamp even if they are not able to attend in person.

Whatever is decided about how to utilize this donation, we’re very grateful for the generosity of WordCamp NYC in deciding to use their budget surplus to give back to the community.

Please visit the WordCamp NYC site for more information about WordCamp NYC’s decision to make this donation.

40 thoughts on “Our First Donation”

  1. Great news! Here’s hoping the best wordcamp ever, WordCamp Boston, ran a surplus and can make a sizeable donation too.

  2. What a wonderful thing to do!

    First for having such a nice surplus to begin with, and then to donate it all to your “parents” for their own first steps…

    Good on you WordCamp NYC!

    and good luck to you, WPF, hope to see you growing as nicely as WP has grown.

  3. “One idea is to fund streaming and recording video of WordCamp sessions so that people can reap the educational benefits of attending a WordCamp even if they are not able to attend in person.”

    I would LOVE this. Unlike allot of you in the USA, where WordCamps are every few weeks, here in Australia they are not so frequent. In terms of frequent I mean that there are none planned for the future.

    Please do consider this idea. I’m sure many of us international ‘WordPressers’ would appreciate it.

      1. We did some livestreaming from WordCamp Whistler last year, and it was very well-received. Unfortunately without a pro account, the archives went POOF immediately afterwards. Live and learn!

        April Smith and Peter Davies from AHAMedia did the livestreaming, and they’re always available for anything in the Lower Mainland of BC.

  4. As a two-time co-sponsor I am thrilled to learn that in only two years WCNYC has made such great strides that it is already able to give back. That’s the ethic behind all open-source projects, isn’t it? — giving back, whether a piece of code or a donation or the sweat equity of helping at a WordCamp. Great news. Congratulations on the new foundation.

  5. love the way this community warms up to each other !
    keep up the effort..

    and soon with wordpress and buddypress we have an open source facebook like framework πŸ™‚ on our midst.

    Best of luck WordPress foundation!

  6. As a video professional I know that these camps could and should be seen. Wouldn’t be that hard to do. I’ll edit and host them if you shoot ’em. Maybe then I’d be able to go to the camps “virtually”.

    1. @Giant: Thanks for the offer! All WordCamp videos are to be hosted on WordPress.tv, so that there’s one central hub for WordPress-related videos.

  7. Wow! This is great! I love the idea of video streaming of WordCamp. I’m still fairly new to blogging and though WordPress is my chosen app for blogging, I have not been able to attend a WordCamp. I would love to be able to follow along as it’s happening.

  8. Great news. I actually attended the WordPress NYC and was one of those who donated to the cause. I love WordPress and would encourage more people to help spread the word about open source publishing.

  9. WordPress is just too awesome. Wish if something like this comes to Mumbai, India too. Maybe then we might also try donating to WPF! Good Luck with this awesome idea!

  10. $28K is a large chunk of cash. Congrats to WordPress Foundation and kudos for the generosity of Wordcamp NYC. The open source revolution is of to a good start.

    Gotta get me some of those ‘ I love wordpress’ t-shirts. πŸ™‚

  11. When is the next bit of news going to filter down the pipe? I was so excited to hear that Matt had started a non profit for education

  12. This is great it is amazing what can be done with passion for an open source product. I just recently attended my first camp and enjoyed hearing Matt speak. This is so cool to see positive profitable things happening in what many say is a “down economy”.
    Way to go WordCamp NYC!

  13. Love the way that this community warms up to each other …!
    keep up the effort and don’t give it up.
    Nothing better than the community giving back to the community!

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